Join Melissa with Bottoms Up Yoga on Sunday September 19th at noon at The Source Energy Yoga Studio .
This workshop is open to all skill levels, beginners to yoga or meditation are welcome as well as practiced yogis while wish to deepen their practice!
The first 45 minutes you will be guided through a relaxing and restorative Meditation and Yin Yoga class. Including some back history on these subjects as we move through our practice.
This deep stretching & meditation is the perfect follow up to other yogic asana practices & physical/mental activities in general so you can stay fully balanced & flexible!
The second portion will be Yoga Nidra ~ commonly known as Yogic Sleep, taking you into full body relaxation. It is an immensely powerful meditation technique also being one of the easiest yoga practices to develop & maintain!
Yoga Nidra can improve your sleep, reduce insomnia related struggles, helps to release all tension, pain and anxiety, and will help teach you how to detach from your thoughts helping lead you into connecting with your true whole self
Instructor: Melissa Wardrope
Spaces are limited, so please reserve your spot in class by purchasing a ticket in advance!