Choose Holistic Physical Therapy!


I have been a physical therapist for over 20 years, and the shortcomings of modern medicine have left me very disappointed to say the least. And it seems to be getting even worse these days!

Have you ever been only offered medication as a quick solution with no other options? You’re not alone— I experienced this frustration for years. What about suggestions of a vitamin supplement, dietary change, or exercise ideas that would be beneficial?  And another consideration, what if you have pain?? Nobody wants to take pain medicine forever, and there is always the concern of addiction!

We live in a time where it’s imperative to be advocates for our own health.

Let’s be clear, I am not implying that we ditch modern medicine altogether but rather encouraging you to instead seek out healthy alternatives to help you heal.

Take a yoga class. Meditate. Learn to listen to and know your body. Take time for your own self-care. If you suffer from pain and haven’t yet considered a holistic physical therapy approach, it’s time to give it a shot!

As a medical professional, I witnessed many medical shortcomings, which motivated me to open my own holistic physical therapy practice in Amherst, Ohio.

It is here that I feel I make the biggest impact by offering non-medication based treatments. I help people recover from a variety of orthopedic issues (i.e neck, shoulder, back pain, and more) and offer help with women’s health issues (pelvic pain/dysfunction, incontinence, and prolapse) using manual techniques, dry needling, infrared laser light, cupping, myofascial release techniques, and yoga & pilates based exercise.

I also educate people on the benefits of implementing dietary changes and using vitamins/supplements, CBD products, and essential oils.

Feel free to contact me about your questions and inquiries for treatment: 440-213-5919. With the help of Ohio Integrative Physical Therapy, you can start your own personalized journey towards a happier, healthier life.

— Sara Beck



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