Simple Steps to Transform How You Look and Feel

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We all want to look and feel our best. But many of us think that optimal health and wellbeing are unattainable, or we get so busy that we neglect our healthy routines.

What if improving how you look and feel didn’t have to be complex? What if there were simple habits you could implement in your daily routine that yielded transformative results?

Here’s the good news—there are. And Bottoms Up! Yoga wants to share some of them with you!

Boost your prospects

Life circumstances have a way of influencing how we look and feel. One of the most common stressors among households is unfulfillment at work. If you’re no longer challenged at your job or have dreams of working in a different industry, consider making a change. Whether it means working for a different employer or starting a business, going in a different direction can significantly benefit your mental health.

If you are determined to change the trajectory of your career, think about returning to school. These days, there are online programs for a wide range of degrees that will enable you to continue working full-time and strike a work-life balance while earning your degree. For instance, you can pursue an online MBA to grow your expertise in marketing, human capital management, accounting, corporate finance, and many other fields. Just make sure the online school you choose offers affordable tuition and is accredited.

Take care of your body

Few things are more important than fostering your physical health. And this begins with your food and beverage intake. In general, it is best to limit processed foods and opt for clean foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, fatty fish, whole grains, and nuts. And it is also best practice to drink sugary beverages in moderation (if at all). For example, if your habit is to drink four sodas a day, try replacing two of those sodas with sparkling water.

 You also need to make sure you are getting plenty of exercise in your routine. Try to find a physical activity you enjoy, and commit to doing it five days a week. You could run, swim, lift weights, do HIIT workouts, or join a local yoga team like Bottoms Up! Yoga. Just do something that you enjoy so that you can be consistent in it.

 And don’t neglect sleep. Your body and mind depend on getting adequate rest after a long day. Allowing yourself to recharge for the next day will make all the difference when it comes to staying productive and happy. Taking care of your physical health will result in more energy, better concentration, and optimal overall wellness in your daily life. Plus, it can even reduce your risk of chronic disease!

Seek relaxation

Along with getting adequate sleep at night, look for relaxing activities to do throughout the day. Maybe this means going to the spa or getting a massage every couple of weeks. Maybe it means instituting a family movie night or going camping on the weekends.  

Another way to add relaxation to your life is to start a new hobby. Activities like journaling, cooking, gardening, painting, and candle-making are known to add joy and reduce stress. Get out there and find a hobby that you can look forward to after a long workday.  

If you want to look and feel your absolute best, self-care must be an integral part of your daily routine. Maintaining your health and wellness will naturally improve how you look and feel. And implementing the tips above can get you off to a great start. But don’t stop here, keep looking for other ways to improve your health and overall quality of life!

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Source: Kim Thomas


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